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An arabic song to be played in a band...

2012/09/14 | Tags:
Hello All,

First I wan't to thank you bout this website, it is very useful.

I have a favor to demand if you can help me. We are an amateur band in France of 3 guitarists + base + drums. We normally play jazz and blues songs. We want to play some arabic/lebanese songs, what do you advise me to take? 

I really appreciate your help.
Answers: 1 Answer
Guitarabia says:
on 2012/09/14
Hi Haidar,
We're glad you like the site.

Regarding your request there are a lot of songs you can play. From personal experience in playing in a band, I would recommend the below songs

1- Elbent El Shalabeyyah - Fairuz (classical arabic tune that everyone loves)
2- Nour Al Ain - Amr diab (well known song internationally)
3- Amarein - Amr diab (very known song and great tune)
4- Fog Elnakhal (classical tune with baladi rhythm)
5- il hilwa di (classical tune with baladi rhythm)

All of them are available on the site, look them up in the songs list.

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