respects the privacy of its users. If you have any questions about the operation of our website, please send an email to team [at] or contact us through our contact form
Social media Data Collection and usage: If users login with their social media accounts. Only the email and the name of the users will be collected by guitarabia, and used to log in the user to their account. Users then can update their additional personal information from their profile page. Once registered, users cannot change their email address.
Social Media Data Deletion: To delete all your user data, please contact us through our contact form. Enter your name and the the email linked to your social media account. Enter "Delete My Account" in the subject field. Enter your comments or any additional details in the Message section. Then click submit. Our team will review the information and will issue an account deletion request. The account will get deleted within 24 hours and you will receive a confirmation from Guiatarabia that all the related account details have been deleted, and no further action is needed.
Guitarabia collects names, email addresses, and other personal information from users and visitors only when submitted via one of our online forms, such as our registration form, or contact us form. This data is used solely by and is not shared, traded, or sold to third parties—unless users or registrants opt to receive information from like-minded organizations, in which case we share only names and email addresses.
Guitarabia also collects non-personal data through the use of server-based "session variables," which we use to achieve important site functionality, including the recognition of logged-in users, and saving the login details for a later session.
Our web-server also records IP addresses from all visitors to our site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our site, to analyze trends, to track user movement, and to gather broad demographic information—all for the purpose of continually improving our website and delivering personalized, custom content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information, and their collection is standard procedure in most web-server environments.
Guitarabia contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website, for which is not responsible.
By using, you signify your agreement to our privacy policy as stated above. Note that this policy may be revised periodically without notice. Please re-read this policy prior to submitting any personal information if you have concerns about how your information is being collected and used.